strategy. planning. representation.
We’re town planning lawyers who get up every day to make our cities and towns great places to live, work and play.
At Planology, we believe achieving excellent outcomes for our cities, towns and environment is not setting the bar too high. After all, town planning is aspirational and its purpose is to continuously improve on what was done yesterday. Our cities and towns of tomorrow need aspirational projects and people.
We love helping people achieve their aspirations for their places. We do this by listening, understanding the various forces at play, and applying our skills as lawyers and town planners to ensure you have the right strategies to optimise your outcome.
Premium advice tailored to your individual needs.
Legal advice
Planning scheme amendments
Peer reviews and strategy
Planning enforcement
Section 173 agreements
Rural and regional planning
Restrictive covenants
Aboriginal cultural heritage
Clear and persuasive advocacy.
Our tailored and personalised approach, along with our real-world town planning, local government and legal experience is what sets us apart. Our clients love how quickly we become fully immersed in their issues and act as an extension to their team. Our straight-talking and down to earth approach to their legal matters is highly valued.